Norman M. Sadeh
Research Interests:
Mobile and pervasive computing, Cybersecurity, Online privacy, User-oriented machine learning, and Semantic web technologies with a particular focus on mobile and social networking

Hana Habib
Assoc. Director, Privacy Engineering Program
Core Faculty
Alessandro Acquisti
Research Interests:
Economics and behavioral economics of privacy and information security, Privacy and security in online social networks, Economics of computers and AI, Agents economics, Computational economics, Ecommerce, Cryptography, Anonymity, Electronic voting

Yuvraj Agarwal
Research Interests:
Systems and Networking, Embedded Systems and Mobile Computing, Smart Buildings and Smart Grid, Energy Efficient and Resilient Computer Systems
Lujo Bauer
Research Interests:
usable security, proof-carrying authorization, distributed access control, program monitors, security automata, languages for specifying security policies
Travis Breaux
Research Interests:
Requirements and software engineering; Risk and legal compliance; Accessibility, privacy and security
Nicolas Christin
Research Interests:
Online crime modeling, usable and secure authentication and passwords, security economics
Jason Hong
Research Interests:
ubiquitous computing, especially mobile social computing and context-aware computing; usable privacy and security for ubicomp and cloud computing environments
Michael Shamos
Research Interests:
eBusiness technology, electronic voting, graph models of financial systems, experimental mathematics

Steven Wu
Research Interests: